Just a quick word from the team at Cherry Digital on your media outreach!

If you and your company are carrying out your own Public Relations outreach, you must ensure that you keep your emails as relevant as possible for that particular journalist. Blanket emailing and sending out in masses will quite often result in the media or journalist blocking you. Think about it, you wouldn’t want to receive emails that are irrelevant, filling up your inbox.

Make sure that you have a good look at the publication’s website and hazard an educated guess if your story is the type that they normally feature on their site. If not, then hold of contacting them… you will benefit in the long run…

If you think a particular publication is perfect for your press release, take some time out to write individual emails to the press you want to feature the story. Look at their previous work and mention it, it will certainly catch their eye and let them know you respect their work. 

Remember that in the outreach process, quality over quantity can result in the best coverage for your website. 

Another useful tip is that during the brainstorming process, think about whether the press release is something you yourself would share with your friends and family if you read it in the news. If it’s a no, the story isn’t right! 

Get in touch with the Cherry Digital team today.